Friday Lets Make a Scrappin Deal | Individual Ticket Event Length (8:00am - 11:00pm)
Pull out those Zany outfits and get dressed up for our 'Let’s Make A Scrappin’ Deal' Crop Party! Will you choose Box #1 or take Box #2... or how about trade Box #1 for Bag #2? The choice is up to you as we make Scrappin’ Deals all night long with great fun and prizes. Avoid the Zonks along the way to a great deal. And of course the evening will end with the Big Scrappin’ Deal Of The Day for one lucky contestant! Everyone who comes dressed in costume will be entered into a special prize drawing. Be sure to bring with you a deck of cards, a picture of you from high school and a cotton ball... you never know what we may ask you for to make Scrappin’ Deal!
** Admission to the Exhibit Floor is sold separately.