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Sunsets For Beginners
Workshop Length (60 Minutes)
Saturday Only (8:30 AM)

Sponsored by: Peddlers Den
Instructor: Tonya Weakley
Difficulty Rating (Basic)

Type of Workshop:

Card Making    Coloring    Mixed Media   

In this technique-based workshop, you will work with coated cardstock and dye-based inks to make beautiful sunsets for your cards and more. We will start off with a "warm up" tag to learn the fundamentals of color dragging and blending. Then we will move on to the card using the same colors and techniques to create another stunning background. You will quickly realize that each time you use these techniques, you will get a slightly different result which is all part of the fun! We will finish by stamping matching cattails on the inside of the card and on the envelope, creating a beautiful matching ensemble.

  • What products will be highlighted: Coated cardstock, stylus and foam blending tips, and dye inks.
  • What will I learn or complete: Two scenes, one suitable for a card and one for a tag.
  • What do I need to bring to class: A stylus handle with at least four UNUSED oval white-foam blending tips. Optional: Adhesive (if you plan on assembling your card in class).
  • What do I need to finish at home: None.
  • What techniques will I learn or use: You will learn dragging, layering, and color-blending techniques with coated cardstock and die inks to create beautiful sunsets for cards and more.
  • Will I complete this project in class: Yes it is very likely you will finish the projects in class.